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System Modification Kits > Colecovision Dual BIOS Kit
Colecovision Dual BIOS Kit

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Price: $8.99
Availability: Sorry, but we are currently out of stock. Please contact us concerning availability.
Prod. Code: ColecovisionDB

When a cartridge is inserted into the Colecovision game console there is a 12 second delay before the game can be selected. The Dual BIOS kit contains a modified No Delay BIOS which gets rid of the delay. For the few games that aren't compatible, just flip the switch and use the standard factory BIOS!

Kit comes with everything needed except tools:

  • Pre-programmed EPROM
  • 28 pin socket
  • Kynar wire for 2 jumpers
  • Toggle Switch
  • Wires to connect the switch

Instructions for the kit are available on our downloads page






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